Curious minds come up with millions of ideas each day. Sometimes one creates amazing inventions with those amazing ideas buzzing. Unique ideas are often feared to be stolen or copied and this destroys the confidence of the person aspiring to take the idea to the public market for people’s welfare and development. But the person with the idea has the power to turn it into reality and help the masses. Thinking and growing won’t stop so shouldn’t curiosity and ideas.
Optimistic IP is here to protect your inventions. Get ideas and create them into the invention submitting them to the registered startups. optimistic is a collection of IP facilitators enlisted by the Startup India initiative to provide free patent, trademark, and design registration services to DPIIT/DIPP-approved enterprises. Our USP is that we are registered as facilitators under startup India.
Registered startups turn into successful businesses with protection from Optimistic IP. Getting a patent is many times a very difficult task but Optimistic IP has helped to make tasks easier and simple. Reserve your property to turn into intellectual business ideas. Work hard, get a patent and make a profit as per your aspirations and scope. Get a patent for every business item from logo trademark to the company name and avoid competitors from similar names and products.
People often worry about getting a patent for their company name or logo. Getting a patent is often a very tough task and often irritating. To ease out the process, Optimistic IP works hard to get a patent for a client’s company. Copyright is very essential as they empower individuals to come up with unique and productive ideas and products. It exclusively helps companies to get benefits from copyright infringement by registering early. The patented invention is authentic as well as tradable and also provides freedom to make changes as per convenience.

The company is patented but the logo is the sign of the company. Trademark differentiates the goods from the goods of the other enterprises dealing with the same product. It is a marketing tool that is used to market the product and hence increases the finances of the business. An important point to be marked is that a trademark is not always a brand but a brand is always a trademark. A trademark is not just certification but also helps to build trust and develop bonding with the consumers and customers. Helps brands to stay protected and saves their identity.
Copyrights are the exclusive rights given to the creator of the work such that his creations can’t be copied and a person trying to do this can be charged a penalty for wrong practices. The owner of the creation has full rights to use it anyway and forbid others from using it by copying it. The owner can sue for infringement and thus save his creations from getting forged. It provides an easy right to assign and make creations, reduces the number of copies, and a lot more.
The founder of Optimistic IP had the vision to offer free patents at the client’s comfort so with Optimistic IP Dipak Sayaji Konkane has tried to build his dreams into reality successfully. Startups have been turned into ideas making them a profit-making body and an intellectual property. The company empowers startups in raising funds from government schemes like stand-up India (Women Entrepreneur, SC/ST)VC Funding, Seed fund. Let your trademark sail with Optimistic IP and aspire to excel.
When you own something personally it feels different. And when you own something which has been created by you exclusively, the pride is at the next level. You don’t have any fear, just the freedom to perform at the benchmark and tryna improve further. Making the work exclusive, creative, and protected, Optimistic IP provides protection and ensures easy success.